Primary Election Results Expected to Be Certified Saturday Afternoon

The primary election results are expected to be certified Saturday at a specially-called 3 p.m. meeting of the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

About four hours earlier, the additional 102 provisional ballots found Thursday will be canvassed and the results tallied. While most of the outcomes in both the Democratic and Republican races are known, the results for Montgomery County executive could change.

Currently, incumbent Marc Elrich leads businessperson David Blair by 42 votes. An additional 102 ballots could flip that, but it is not necessarily true that all 102 ballots will be accepted. Provisional ballots are created when there is a question about whether the voter is eligible so not all of these 102 ballots may end up being added in to the final tally.

Board members praised the precertification process for finding the discrepancies in the number of votes tallied as opposed to the number of votes received. When the results varied in eight precincts, canvassers rechecked all the folders and found the 102 ballots.

In hopes of avoiding this happening again in future elections, board members declared that one person will be responsible for folders. Currently it is a shared job.

During its Friday afternoon meeting, board members also agreed to support a proposed court challenge that, if approved, would permit Montgomery County to begin counting mail-in votes on Oct. 1 for the November general election.

Currently, mail-in ballots cannot be counted until after election day.

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