The Montgomery County Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. on two resolutions regarding the County Charter that would appear on the ballot as questions for the 2022 General Election.
The first amendment is a resolution to conflicting charter amendments and what happens if, during an election, two conflicting Charter amendments are approved at the same time and cannot take effect. Under current law, neither amendment would take effect and both would fail. If the proposed Charter amendment is passed, only the amendment with the higher number of votes would win and amend the County Charter. The other would fail.
The second amendment aims to require both the County Council and the County Executive to remove the County Attorney. Under the current law, only the County Executive can remove the County Attorney. If Section 213 is amended, the Charter would require the Council to consent to the Executive’s removal of the County Attorney. It would also allow the Council to remove the County Attorney with consent from the Executive.
The deadline to sign up to speak at the upcoming hearing is July 25 at 5 p.m. The meeting will be televised live by County Cable Montgomery (CCN) on Xfinity channels 6 and 996, RCN channels 6 and 1056; and FiOS channel 30. The meeting will also be live via streaming through the Council website and Facebook Live.
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