Puppy Parents Needed to Raise Service Dogs for Veterans

Warrior Canine Connection is seeking puppy lovers to help raise a future service dog for present and former members of the United States military.

“We are in dire need of puppy parent volunteers,” said Beth Bourgeois, media relations officer for the nonprofit in Boyds. The organization seeks at least a dozen puppy parents.

“It’s a full time volunteer gig. We have just been growing,” she said.

Volunteers adopt an eight to 12-week puppy for about two years and are responsible for picking up and dropping off the dog during trainings, among other tasks. Warrior Canine Connection provides the training and covers most costs for the puppy, including health visits, toys and food.

Some of the dogs will be trained in mobility to help service members who use a wheelchair. Others are trained in helping during nightmares and anxiety attacks.

Click here to learn about requirements and to fill out the application.

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