Report: MCPS Should Strengthen Romantic Relationship Disclosure Requirements

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A report by the Montgomery County Inspector General’s office declared allegations of misconduct by senior Montgomery County Public School officials “unsubstantiated.”

However, the report that was released Wednesday did note that there were “opportunities for improvement regarding the disclosure of romantic or sexual relationships between staff, as well as requirements that MCPS staff cooperate with investigations.”

In response, the Board of Education issued a statement that it had been aware of the individual complaint and “takes complaints and allegations very seriously and will act upon the common-sense policy recommendations offered.”

According to a written complaint received by Montgomery County Public Schools, “MCPS administrators made inappropriate jokes and statements of a sexual nature directed toward a subordinate.”

The supervisor of one of the administrators was made aware of the conduct, according to the OIG.

The complaint detailed that a senior district official “was present at a social gathering during which an MCPS employee was intoxicated and attempted to remove their clothing in front of MCPS colleagues.”

Also, the complaint included allegations of an improper romantic or sexual relationship between an administrator and a subordinate and that a senior MCPS official knew of the relationship.

In the OIG’s two-page report, it was noted that the allegations “did not substantiate any violations of MCPS policy or regulations.”

However, the report recommended that MCPS “bolster” policy and recommendations “to ensure greater transparency and limit conflicts of interest.”

The OIG recommended that MCPS create mandatory requirements so that anyone in a leadership position disclose to supervisor of any previous romantic or sexual relationships with employees they supervise.

Currently, MCPS only restricts leadership from supervising anyone in their immediate chain with whom they simultaneously have a relationship. There is no mention of previous relationships, according to the OIG report.

The report also recommends that MCPS strengthen its policies to require employees “fully cooperate and provide complete and truthful information when questioned as subjects and witnesses in an investigation.

According to MCPS, “The complainant himself ignored repeated requests from the OIG to connect for information and an interview.”

Councilmember Will Jawando issued a news release, stating, “I applaud the corrective actions the Montgomery County Board of Education (the Board) and MCPS are taking to strengthen policy and practice.”

He also stated, “As chair of the Education and Culture Committee, I will be leading oversight briefings with MCPS and the Board.” He continued, “I reaffirm the importance of restoring trust, repairing harm and revising policies to support accountability and a stronger school community.”

According to MCPS, the chief of its Office of Human Resources and Development received accusations of alleged violations of policy by senior staff and administrators. Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight then asked that the OIG be informed and that her office investigate the matter.

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