After much rain on Friday and Saturday, Montgomery County residents were ready for a reprieve. Sunday delivered with a sunny day, temperatures in the 60s and not a cloud in sight. For those who did not want to trek down to the Tidal Basin to see cherry blossoms, Bethesda’s Kenwood neighborhood offered a just-as- nice but closer option.
Police controlled vehicle traffic which made walking through the neighborhood less congested and more enjoyable according to many who showed up with babies and dogs in tow.
Taking in the cherry blossoms on a beautiful Sunday in the Kenwood neighborhood of Bethesda. @mymcmedia pic.twitter.com/ohbBbMqC9g
— Joe Yasharoff (@JYash) March 26, 2023
For years, Kenwood residents have complained about over congestion in their neighborhood during the peak bloom period.
Additional Places to View Cherry Blossoms
In addition to the cherry trees, Green Park in the city of Gaithersburg includes a tot lot, a play area, basketball courts, a tennis court and a dog exercise area. The park is located at 151 Bickerstaff Way, Gaithersburg.
Brookside Gardens located in Wheaton Regional Park is planted with multiple types of cherry trees, as well as the Yoshino cherry trees that adorn the Tidal Basin.
The Rockville Civic Center Park, home of the Glenview Mansion, is planted with Yoshino and Kwanzan cherry trees. The Kwanzan cherry trees bloom a week or two after the Yoshino trees. The city of Rockville park is located at 603 Edmonston Drive.
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