Residents Invited to Testify on Plastic Bag Ban at Public Hearing

The Montgomery County Council rescheduled its public hearing on Bill 24-24, the “Bring Your Own Bag” Act, to Jan. 14, 2025, at 1:30 p.m.

The bill, introduced by Council Vice President Kate Stewart and co-sponsored by Councilmembers Laurie-Anne Sayles, Evan Glass, Natali Fani-González, and Will Jawando, seeks to prohibit most plastic carryout bags and impose a 10-cent tax on paper bags. Food assistance recipients using SNAP or WIC benefits would be exempt.

The measure includes exceptions for certain plastic and paper bags, such as those for prescription drugs, bulk items, or perishable goods like meat and fish. Retailers would retain five cents per paper bag to cover administrative costs.

Retailers must also post notices encouraging reusable bag use, include bag taxes on receipts, and remit taxes quarterly. Violations may result in fines starting at $500.

Bill 24-24 aims to reduce plastic waste, promote reusable bags, and support a cleaner environment. Plastic bags take over 1,000 years to decompose, releasing harmful microplastics, according to Council documents.

The public hearing will be held at the Council Office Building and streamed live on County Cable Montgomery, Facebook, YouTube, and the Council’s website. Residents must preregister to testify in person or remotely by Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. Written, audio, or video submissions are also accepted.

Send testimony by mail to County Council, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850; or residents may sign up to testify remotely by phone (call 240-777-7803 for information). To express an opinion call 240-777-7900.

For more details, visit the Council website or call 240-777-7900.


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