Residents Welcome Holidays With Thanksgiving Parade in Silver Spring 

Several roads in Downtown Silver Spring closed to traffic Saturday for Montgomery County’s annual Thanksgiving Parade. 

The parade was canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, residents said the event feels even more special. 

“There was a sense of community that was built over the last year because of the pandemic, that this is just even more special because we all get to come out and be together right before a really special holiday — Thanksgiving,” said Silver Spring resident Theresa McKillop, who attends every year. 

“I think there’s more people,” said young resident Jack Kirby.

The county’s event is the only Thanksgiving Parade in the Washington, D.C.-metro area, according to the Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District. 

“It’s nice to be back out, it’s nice to see that everybody’s being safe,” said Prince George’s County resident Adrienne Settles. 

“I noticed they’re all wearing masks so that’s good,” said young Joseph Settles. The parade featured dancers, bands, animals, floats and local elected leaders and organizations. 

“I liked the girl scouts because I saw one of my friends, so that was fun,” Settles said.

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