Ride On Bus Routes Serve Early Voting Centers

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Ride On Bus service has routes to take residents to early voting centers, according to a press release from the county government.  Several Metrobus routes also serve early voting centers.

County Executive Marc Elrich said as many as a quarter of households within the county’s urban areas have no access to a vehicle. He also stressed the importance of highlighting the bus routes that serve the early voting centers.

“Lack of access to transportation should not be a barrier to voting,” Elrich said. “Our bus system is imperative to ensure that all residents have access to voting centers regardless of where they live and their socio-economic status.”

Here are the following Ride On and Metrobus routes that serve early voting centers:

  • Wheaton Library and Community Center (Route 9 and 31)
  • White Oak Community Recreation Center (Route 10)
  • Silver Spring Civic Building (Route 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19)
  • Mid-County Recreation Center (Route 26, 39, 49)
  • Jane E. Lawton Community Center (Route 34)
  • Potomac Community Recreation Center (Route 37)
  • Executive Office Building in Rockville (Route 44, 46, 47, 54, 56)
  • Bauer Drive Community Center (Route 48)
  • Sandy Spring Volunteer Fire Station (Route 52 and 53/Metrobus Y2 and Y8)
  • Activity Center at Bohrer Park (Route 59)
  • Damascus Community Center (Route 90)
  • Germantown Community Recreation Center (Route 98)
  • Nancy H. Dacek North Potomac Community Recreation Center (Route 301)
  • Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center (Metrobus Routes Z6 and Z7)

Early voting for the 2022 Gubernatorial Primary Election will start July 7 through July 14. The early voting centers open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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