Rocktobierfest to Cause Road Closures in Rockville

The City of Rockville announced road closures starting Friday for Rocktobierfest.

Rocktobierfest will take place on Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The City of Rockville announced there will be the following road closures associated with the event:

  • Courthouse Square from North Washington Street to Maryland Avenue: It will stay open on Sept. 27 with parking restrictions and close on Sept. 28 from 5 a.m. until approximately 9 p.m.
  • East Montgomery Avenue from Maryland Avenue to Monroe Street: It will close on Sept. 27 at 5 a.m. and open on Sept. 28 at approximately 9 p.m.
  • Maryland Avenue from Middle Lane to East Montgomery Avenue: It will close on Sept. 27 at 5 a.m. and open on Sept. 28 at approximately 9 p.m.
  • Maryland Avenue from East Montgomery Avenue to Jefferson Street: It will stay open on Sept. 27 with parking restrictions and close on Sept. 28 from 5 a.m. until approximately 9 p.m.

The City of Rockville said there will be free parking at the Council Office Building on Fleet Street and the City Hall lot. There will be paid parking in the Town Square Route 355 and North Washington Street garages. For Metro users, the City said visitors should take the Metro red line towards Shady Grove, get off at Rockville station and exit west towards Rockville Pike. Then, the visitors should take the pedestrian walkway over Route 355 into Rockville Town Center.

Rocktobierfest celebrates German culture with live music, beer sales and many more activities. For more information about Rocktobierfest, click here.

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