Rockville Bear Trapped, Moved Out of Montgomery County

Monday morning, Rockville City Police and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources “safely and successfully trapped and relocated the Rockville bear to a new home,” according to a tweet.

While it was spotted in West Rockville, the black bear also was seen in Kensington and Bethesda.

A large, green beer trap was placed in a back yard on Pitt Place in the College Gardens community of Rockville around 5:30 Sunday evening, according to Andrea Escher, Rockville City Police public information officer.

The trap was filled with donuts, molasses and vanilla, she said.

Sometime during the night, the homeowners heard noise, which they thought was the trap door slamming shut so they called police. They arrived, and using flashlights confirmed that the bear was inside.

While the homeowners said the bear made a lot of noise trying to escape, the animal didn’t make any sounds when police arrived, not even a growl, Escher said.

“Honestly, it seemed like he was kind of scared. He peeked out and moved back when he saw people,” she said.

The bear remained in the trap until state DNR employees arrived at sunup. Together, they loaded the trap onto a truck and drove it away but did not disclose the location.

According to an email to MCM from DNR, the bear is being tagged and “will be released to a more suitable location.”

The officials noted, “DNR suspect this single bear is the one that was sighted in several Montgomery County locations the past week.”

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