Rockville City Councilmembers unanimously agreed Monday to increase the size of its board, which will jump from four to six members. This November, residents will get to vote for seven members, including the mayor.
Council amended the city’s charter following a recommendation by its Charter Review Commission.
The increase will go into effect in about two months unless a petition against it signed by at least 20% of Rockville residents that is submitted within 40 days.
The commission also recommended lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 and limiting councilmembers and the mayor to three consecutive four-year terms. It also discussed ranked choice voting and allowing city residents who are not U.S. citizens to vote.
No decision was reached on these proposals, which may end up as ballot questions for the voters to decide.
Voters in Rockville’s November 2023 election will have the opportunity to vote for seven members of the city’s elected body, following a unanimous vote Monday by the Mayor and Council on a resolution to add two seats to the council.
Read more 👇 https://t.co/LSKq36HuqN
— City of Rockville (@Rockville411) February 7, 2023
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