Rockville Volunteer Fire Department Deputy Chief Laid to Rest

Rockville Volunteer Fire Department Deputy Chief Scott Emmons was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon.

The nearly 30-year veteran of the department and Metropolitan Police detective died last week from complications following a medical event he suffered on Feb. 6. He was 48.

Visitation with family and friends was held Tuesday morning at Covenant of Life Church in Gaithersburg, followed by a funeral service and outdoor honors by Washington’s police department.

Emmons was remembered by family, friends and co-workers as a mentor, hockey fanatic and long-time community devotee. Members from the Rockville Volunteer Fire Department, Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI spoke during the funeral. In between speakers and prayers, country songs were played.

Following the mass, Emmons’ fiancée Michelle and daughter Emily were presented with an American flag, which was draped over the former fire chief’s casket.

A procession that included police officers on motorcycles and fire department vehicles then passed by the Rockville station where Emmons volunteered on its way from the church to Rockville Cemetery.

After joining the fire department in May 1991, Emmons rose through the ranks to become fire chief in January 2011. He was at the helm through August 2017 and continued to serve afterward as deputy chief.

Emmons joined the Metropolitan Police Department in 1997. He was a detective assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force at the time of his passing.

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