Rockville’s Education, Youth Commissions Looking for Members

Rockville’s education and youth commissions are seeking new members.

The education commission has not yet been appointed. Its 11 members will be focused on maintaining and growing collaborative relationships among the county’s board of education and schools in the Rockville community.

Ten of its 11 members will be split into seven parents or guardians and three educational professionals all serving for two years. The final member will be one student serving single year terms.

The youth commission was created to develop recommendations for the Mayor and Council regarding policies to promote young adults’ health and well-being. Members will consist of 16-21 year olds living in or attending high school and Montgomery College in Rockville.

Five of the 11 youth commission members will serve two-year terms while the rest serve one-year terms

More information on the many Rockville commissions and how to apply can be found here.

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