Safe Rides Home for Cinco De Mayo Revelers Offered By SoberRide

photo of cinco de mayo celebration with alcohol

How are you celebrating Cinco de Mayo? Do you have a plan to get home safely? The Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) offers people in the D.C. area a free ride home. The program is available between 4 p.m. Thursday and 4 a.m. Friday through the ride share app Lyft.

WRAP’s SoberRide® program has provided 82,127 free safe rides since 1991, according to a news release.

“Over a third of U.S. traffic deaths during Cinco de Mayo involve drunk drivers according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” said WRAP President Kurt Erickson.

During the 2019 Cinco de Mayo period (COVID-19 prevented the last two year’s full offerings), nearly 800 persons in the Washington-metropolitan area used WRAP’s SoberRide® program rather than possibly driving home impaired.

WRAP aims to reduce impaired driving on holidays when drinking alcohol is part of the celebration, including St. Patrick’s Day, Independence Day, Halloween and the winter holidays.

Area residents age 21 and older celebrating Cinco de Mayo with alcohol are eligible for a free ride home. Just download the Lyft app, then enter the SoberRide® code in the app’s “Payment” tab to receive their no-cost safe transportation home.

WRAP’s 2022 Cinco de Mayo SoberRide® promo code will be posted at 3 p.m. on Thursday May 5th on

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