Safe Routes to School Program Strives to Improve School Commutes

Montgomery County Department of Transportation is partnering with the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in an effort to get students to walk or bike to school while remaining protected.

STRS is a nationally known and utilized program which aims to make the trek to school easier and safer.

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is completing walkability studies to determine what structural improvements could be made in order to better the commute for school children. The SRTS program will look to improve roads, build new crosswalks and bump-outs, and add stop/yield signs where necessary.

To kick off the partnership, the county will hold a “walk to school day” event on Wednesday, Oct. 12 at Wheaton Woods Elementary School. From then, the remaining Wednesdays of the school year will be “Walking Wednesdays.”  On these days, the SRTS team is available to visit schools to educate on transportation safety and distribute education materials and safety giveaways.

In addition to the “Walking Wednesdays”, the program provides resources for “Bike Rodeos,” “Walking School Bus” and participation in community events.

“We hope to encourage the adoption of walking, biking and using transit as primary ways to get around the County and that these choices will continue as our students become young adults” stated MCDOT Director Chris Conklin.

Click here for information on SRTS events.

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