Section of ICC Will Close Next Two Weekends for Tolling System Upgrades

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is in the process of upgrading the tolling system on the Intercounty Connector (ICC). A section of the the ICC in Montgomery County is scheduled to be closed Jan. 24-27 and Jan. 31-Feb. 3.

The tolling hardware and software at all the toll facilities will be replaced as part of the upgrades.

Friday, Jan. 24 from 9 p.m. to Monday, Jan. 27 at 5 a.m. Closure
Westbound traffic on the ICC will be detoured at New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) beginning Friday, Jan. 24 at 9 p.m. and continuing until 5 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 27. The detour route will direct motorists north on New Hampshire Avenue to Norbeck Road, west to Layhill Road (MD 182) and south on Layhill Road back to westbound ICC/MD 200.

Friday, Jan. 31 at 9 p.m. to Monday, Feb. 3 at 5 a.m. Closure

Eastbound ICC (MD 200) traffic will be detoured at Layhill Road (MD 182). The detour route will direct motorists north on Layhill Road to Norbeck Road, east on Norbeck Road to New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) and south on New Hampshire Avenue back to eastbound ICC (MD 200).

During both weekends, motorists will be tolled as a single trip when traveling the detour routes. The temporary detours are needed due to the amount of equipment and work crews involved and to help ensure the safety of workers and motorists.

Additional work will be required and the MDTA will schedule additional work on the tolling system to be done during off-peak hours, including weekends and overnight.

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