Seniors in Montgomery County can take free online classes to learn how to use technology to help themselves through Senior Planet Montgomery.
Senior Planet Montgomery is a technology training program for people over 60. They usually offer lectures and courses at county facilities but have moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The classes are live Zoom video conferences. This week’s schedule includes instructions on how to use Zoom, voice assistants, and telemedicine. Some Spanish classes are offered.
Senior Planet Montgomery is offering free online classes to thrive at home while staying protected during the #COVID19 health crisis. This week, several classes will focus on using one of the newest online trends: Zoom video conferencing. https://t.co/3xpCHJx9IQ #MoCo #StayHome pic.twitter.com/g5ldsxwLHS
— Montgomery County MD (@MontgomeryCoMD) April 5, 2020
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