‘Sense of Tumor’ Comedy Show Will Raise Funds for Cancer Center

Sense of Tumor, a cancer comedy showcase and fundraiser, will host a live event on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Silver Spring Black Box Theater (8641 Colesville Road). The show will spotlight local comedians who are cancer survivors, sharing their personal stories.

Co-produced by Improbable Comedy, a comedy club based in Silver Spring, along with Joey Friedman and Cyrus Chansler, two local comedians and cancer survivors, Sense of Tumor invites community members to “see why laughter truly is the best medicine.”

Improbable Comedy promises the show will be “funny, heart-warming, and healing as we bring the community together,” according to its website. 

All proceeds will go toward The Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, a cancer care center based in Washington, D.C. with a focus on integrative healing. Sense of Tumor also plans to hold a raffle to raise additional support for the center. 

The show will be ASL Interpreted. Interested community members may purchase tickets on Eventbrite


Photo courtesy of Sense of Tumor 2023

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