Service on Metro Lines Reduced for 3 Weeks Due to Maintenance

For three weeks, late-night Metro service will be reduced on four lines due to track maintenance beginning on Monday, Feb. 27.

Starting at 9 p.m., trains will transition until they are each running about every 26 minutes by 10 p.m., when track work starts, Monday through Thursday. Stretches of the Blue, Blue+, Orange and Silver lines between Foggy Bottom and Arlington Cemetary and Foggy Bottom and Ballston will run on single tracks in each direction. The Yellow Line bridge and tunnel are closed for maintenance as well, adding to the service reductions. 

According to Metro, ridership after 10 p.m. is only about 4% of total ridership, so starting work late at night lets crews make more progress while having a smaller impact on customers, especially those who use Metrorail services during the day. 

Metro said crews will replace grout pads, which is a long and difficult process but one that is necessary over time. Grout pads are slabs of concrete that support the weight of trains and anchor the tracks, so the rail must be detached and the previous concrete destroyed before new concrete is poured. 

Special bus routes to supplement usual train service and other bus alternatives will be available for riders and information can be found on Metro’s Trip Planner website.



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