Sherwood Choral Director Named County’s Teacher of the Year

Johnathan Dunn, choral teacher at Sherwood High School, is the 2022-2023 Montgomery County Teacher of the Year. He now will compete for Maryland Teacher of the Year.

Dunn has been at Sherwood for nine years. According to a statement from the Montgomery County Public Schools, “He brings positive energy, love and kindness to everyone he encounters. A joyful and enthusiastic educator, Dunn works tirelessly to see that students benefit from his lessons.”

A teacher of chorus, piano and music perspectives, Dunn believes “music is a way to connect.” MCPS said Dunn encourages all students to perform in concerts and get involved with the school’s Rock n’ Roll Revival production. The show has a cast of more than 300 students, from the highly skilled to newcomers. He also leads the vocal direction for the fall musical and Night of Jazz in the spring. Dunn has coordinated sightseeing and musical theater trips in New York City for chorus students.

Along with his musical instruction, Dunn speaks openly to students about their academic and other concerns, according to MCPS.

When not at Sherwood, he is a leader in music ministry and worship. A graduate of Catholic University, Dunn is a composer, arranger and pianist whose career began as an aspiring concert pianist. He has served as artistic director for the Washington Youth Choir and was a finalist in the National Symphony Young Soloists’ Competition in 1993.

Dunn is also a restorative justice coach at the school, and in the 2020–2021 school year, he took on an administrator position responsible for the ninth grade. He is in his final semester of graduate studies at Hood College, earning a master’s degree in educational leadership. During his 19 years with MCPS, he has been a choral educator at James Hubert Blake High School, Cabin John Middle School and Francis Scott Key Middle School.

Dunn was one of three finalists for Teacher of the Year, along with Irma Najarro, fourth grade bilingual teacher at Washington Grove Elementary School, and Michael Edwards, sixth grade world studies and global humanities teacher at Julius West Middle School.

As Teacher of the Year, he will receive $1,000 and a one-year car lease from Fitzgerald Auto Malls.

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