Sidewalk and Bike Path Projects Receive Federal Funds

photo of sidewalk construction

Montgomery County, Gaithersburg, and Rockville will receive a total of $1.3 million in federal funds for sidewalk and bike path projects, according to a press release from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved $3.2 million from its Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Aside Program for six projects in Maryland. TA Set-Aside is a part of the Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, and it supports small-scale projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, trails, safe routes to school projects, and more.

According to the TPB, these projects prioritize Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs), which are locations with high concentrations of traditionally marginalized communities. They also provide access to the National Capital Trail Network.

The three projects are listed below:

Forest Glen Road Sidewalk, Montgomery County, $679,000
This project will design a six-foot wide concrete sidewalk for half a mile along the north side of Forest Glen Road from Woodland Drive to Sligo Creek Parkway. The project also includes the design of a separated bike lane on the south side of the street with a connection to Sligo Creek Trail.

Industrial Drive Path Connection, City of Gaithersburg, $400,000
This project will design a connection for bicyclists and pedestrians across the I-370 to connect the city of Gaithersburg with the county’s wider trail system, as well as to three regional activity centers.

Fleet and Monroe Complete Streets, city of Rockville, $224,000
The grant funds construction-ready design plans to change Fleet and Monroe streets into “complete streets” with a separate bike use facility. It will also fund new signals and bus stops in the city.

Learn more about the TA Set-Aside Program here.

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