Silver Spring 3rd Most Generous City of 2023 by GoFundMe

GoFundMe, the fundraising platform dedicated to helping people support each other, has named Silver Spring the third Most Generous City of 2023.

Last year, Silver Spring residents supported numerous causes within and beyond their communities, including fundraisers for families, sports teams, and local businesses. Here are some of the fundraisers they supported:

The most supported categories on GoFundMe from Maryland donors were animals, family, and education, excluding medical, memorial, and emergency fundraisers.

Maryland residents contributed over $47 million through half a million donations to more than 100,000 fundraisers in 2023. Montgomery County had the most donations per capita in Maryland.

Celebrate with GoFundMe

GoFundMe will attend the FRESHFARM Farmers Market in downtown Silver Spring on Saturday, June 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for an exciting day of interactive engagement. Local and state officials are invited to celebrate Silver Spring’s incredible generosity. The event will feature a photo booth, delicious treats from local businesses and free swag.


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