Silver Spring Couple’s Quarantine Birthday Song Brightens Spirits

COVID-19 has caused a disruption in many festivities including graduations and birthday celebrations.

To try to make up for the disappointments, musicians Elizabeth and Phil Kominski from Silver Spring, members of the band The Breakaways, created a quarantine birthday song for those who have to celebrate their special day during these tough times.

The original video features husband and wife Phil and Elizabeth singing their own version of “Happy Birthday.” The song follows the tune of “Gold Digger” by Kanye West. Through the power of social media and lyrics such as, “It’s a trifling time indeed, but despite of the COVID, we’re here to say happy birthday,” the two have captured the attention of many.

According to the Kominskis, they have received an abundance of positive feedback so far.

“The music cannot stop. Everybody is suffering in some way right now. One of the best ways to make yourself feel better in bad times is to try and make others feel better and do nice things for others. How can we use our skill sets to make other people smile and give back?” Elizabeth said.

While “Happy Birthday” was a hit, the music continues. Elizabeth and Phil are in the process of writing a song for the Class of 2020. Through the music, they hope to emphasize how unique this generation truly is. Elizabeth mentions how the 2020 seniors were born during and right after the 9/11 tragedy and are now graduating high school during a global pandemic. The Kominskis hope to assure the seniors that everything will be okay.

The magic does not stop with virtual performances. The two hope to coordinate with local retirement homes that have an open courtyard where residents can watch and hear music from their windows.

“We are trying to find little ways where we can give back to others. I truly think there is no better way to feel better at a time like this than to help others,” Elizabeth said.

For now, you can enjoy the “Happy Birthday” video.

You can reach the band by email or through Facebook (TheBreakawaysBandIsNeat).

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