Silver Spring Metro Escalators Being Replaced During Next 15 Months

The five entrance elevators at the Silver Spring Metro Station are being replaced.

Work began on the north entrance between East-West Highway and Second Avenue Tuesday and is expected to last for four months.

While work is being done at that entrance, riders should enter at the south entrance, closest to the Paul Sarbanes Transit Center, Metro announced.

The north entrance has two escalators leading from the lower entrance to the upper platform.

Once work is completed, Metro then will replace the three escalators at the south entrance. This entrance will remain open, and the escalators will be replaced individually. This work is expected to take 11 months.

KONE will install the escalators as part of a larger project to replace 130 escalators by 2028. So far, 27 new escalators have been installed and 13 are being replaced currently.

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