Some Voters Receive Sample Ballots With Their Names Incorrectly Listed

Some of the sample ballots from the Montgomery County Board of Elections (BOE) that were just mailed out  listed voters’ names incorrectly.

According to the BOE, 132,217 sample ballots were sent to registered voters within U.S. Congressional District 8. Some of the voters, whose last names begin with A and B, received ballots with incorrect names.

A different error was included in the Spanish version of the sample ballot. The correct days for early voting dates should be listed as Oct. 24 through Oct. 31.

New sample ballots will be sent to all 684,000 registered voters in Montgomery County, including the people in the first mailing wave as well as voters living in Districts 4 and 6.

An electronic version was emailed to all voters for whom the BOE has email addresses.

Although some sample ballots included incorrect names, the address and polling place listed on the back cover of the sample ballot is correct. The name error on sample ballots doesn’t affect mail in voting, voter registration or ballot data, according to the BOE.

To check voter registration information, text the word ‘CHECK’ too 7788 or go to the website,

Maryland Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher sent an email to his constituents altering them to the error. “This is a serious issue that should not be understated,” he wrote. He said once he learned of the mistake from someone in his district, “I swiftly notified the Board of Elections.”

To view a sample ballot, click here:

Sample  Ballot Congressional District 4 (

Sample Ballot Congressional District 6 (

Sample Ballot Congressional 8 (

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