Maryland ranks number one as the most politically engaged state according to a new study.
The finance website WalletHub released the study, “2022’s Most & Lease Politically Engaged States,” Wednesday.
WalletHub analysts used 10 metrics to determine where in the United States Americans are most active in the political process. The metrics include number of registered voters, voter turnout, political contributions, and civic education requirements.
Each state received a weighted score based on the 10 metrics. The top three most heavily weighted metrics include percentage of electorate who voted in the 2020 Presidential Election, change in percentage of electorate who voted in the 2020 Elections compared with the 2016 Elections, and the total political contributions per adult population. Maryland’s overall score is 71.85.
The top five most politically engaged states are Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, and Oregon.
The data used in this study were collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Responsive Politics, OpenSecrets, Ballotpedia, AmeriCorps, National Conference of State Legislatures, The Thomas B. Fordham Institute and Indeed.
To see WalletHub’s full methodology and each state’s ranking, click here.
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