Sunflower Bakery is Serving the Community by Donating Muffins

Sunflower Bakery, a non-profit bakery in Rockville, is going above and beyond to help the community by providing muffins to food shelters, pantries and hospital staff in the Metro D.C. area, according to Executive Director Daphna Raskas.

The bakery has raised over $10,000 and donated more than 3,000 muffins to over 15 places, according to Raskas. While the bakery has stopped their regular production for their staffs’ safety, Raskas said that they have figured out a way to continue production in two weeks with a limited staff and menu. They will also continue with donations then.

A large aspect of the bakery is that they host training programs for students, although, the courses had to be moved online. Despite this, Raskas said that the new training has created great opportunity for them to further develop their curriculum online. The bakery is hoping that the new online content can be used for their graduates and employers as well to reinforce and demonstrate what students learn at the bakery.

General Manager Liz Hutter spoke with MyMCMedia further about the bakery’s response to coronavirus and muffin donations.

Staff at the bakery have been working hard to practice social distancing guidelines while making and dropping off the muffins. The bakery has also been receiving positive feedback about their muffin donations, according Hutter.

Hutter says that despite everything that is going on, she has hope for the future after the pandemic.


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