On Oct. 24, National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, Takoma Park police collected 301.4 pounds of medications, according to Chief Antonio DeVaul. The goal is to enable residents to prevent drug abuse and theft by providing them with a place to dispose of their expired, unused or unwanted prescription drugs.
Although the day’s event has passed, both prescription and non-prescription drugs, patches, ointments, over the counter medicines, vitamins and pet medications can be placed throughout the year in a green Med-Return mailbox located in the lobby of the police department at 7500 Maple Avenue. Vape pens and other e-cigarettes with their batteries removed also can be dropped off.
Do not leave liquids, inhalers, aerosol cans, needles, thermometers or regular household lotions.
Also located in the police department’s first floor lobby is a large box for clean, gently used warm coats of all sizes. The winter coat drive is being conducted in partnership with Adventist Community Services and the warm clothing will be donated to those in need.
Fresh off its successful prescription drug take back effort, the Takoma Park Police Department is now collecting winter coats, gloves and scarfs for the needy.
Collections of the coats as well as gently used mittens, gloves and scarves begins Nov. 2 and continues until Dec. 18 at 4 p.m.
Takoma Park Police collected 301.38 lbs. of unused & expired medications during the Nationwide Prescription Drug Take Back Day! #DEATakeBack @DEAWashingtonDC pic.twitter.com/wlrKelkUVu
— Takoma Park Police (@TakomaParkPD) October 27, 2020
Winter Coat Drive begins Mon, 11/2. Do you have new or gently used warm coats in any size from infant to adult? Gloves and/or scarves that you don't need anymore? Please donate them and give warmth to those in need this winter. Drop in lobby of PD, 7500 Maple Ave. pic.twitter.com/TcoTjlwKI9
— Takoma Park Police (@TakomaParkPD) October 27, 2020
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