Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart spoke to MyMCMedia Monday about the city’s election on Nov. 3. (Stewart is seeking reelection in the local election, running against Roger Schlegel.)
Stewart says it’s the first time in Takoma Park history that the city’s election has fallen on the same day as the national election. She added that this year the city’s election has been mail in, but Takoma Park residents can vote in person Nov. 3 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Takoma Park Community Center (located at 7500 Maple Avenue). If they choose to vote at the community center, they can walk up to vote or vote in the drive through. Ballot drop boxes are available at the community center and residents can also drop city ballots off at New Hampshire Avenue Recreation Center.
Takoma Park residents can continue mailing in their ballots. All ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 3 and received by city election officials by Nov. 10 to count.
Stewart noted that Takoma Park residents who are 16 and 17 years old are welcome to vote in the local elections. Also, non U.S. citizens who are Takoma Park residents are allowed to vote in the city’s local election.
This just in…The BOE update at 11:00 am. The current turn out in the 2020 City Elections is 4,574 out of 13,562 registered voters or 33%. Visit: https://t.co/FucKAQuY1u pic.twitter.com/g54PXEhztY
— TakomaParkMD (@TakomaParkMD) November 3, 2020
Click here to learn about candidates on the ballot in City of Takoma Park’s local election.
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