Takoma Park’s ‘ARTery’ Features Local Artists in Directory

The Takoma Park arts group “ARTery” launched an artist directory featuring local artists and information about themselves and their work.

The city’s Arts and Humanities Division partly funded the creation of the online directory, according to a Takoma Park news release. The directory can be found here.

“The financial and staff support from the city have helped transform the ARTery from an innovative pandemic-related arts project into a vibrant artist community which is boosting the creative economy,” ARTery co-founder Eleanor Landstreet said in the release.

ARTery was founded during the pandemic and gathered local artists to feature their work in underused store fronts in downtown Takoma Park, according to the release.

Artists must pay an annual $70 fee to remain on the directory with fee waivers available. Artists interested in being added to the directory can see more information here.



Photo credit ARTery website.

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