Teacher Union’s Representative Assembly Has ‘No Confidence’ in MCPS Board, Leadership

Upset that Montgomery County Public Schools continue to meet in person rather than go virtual, Montgomery County Education Association’s Representative Assembly agreed to present to its members a resolution that it has “no confidence” in Board of Education members and Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight’s leadership and “demand immediate action to address our concerns.”

The resolution calls for immediate action by MCPS, but does not state what that would be.

The proposal, which was was given to MyMCM, states, “The members of the MCEA declare that we have no confidence in the ability of current members of the Board of Education or Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight to effectively address the current crisis in our schools caused by the effects of COVID-19. MCPS leadership has consistently shown a dereliction of duty and a lack of competence. We demand immediate action to address our concerns.”

The proposal also notes that “the right to a safe, healthy and learning environment is a fundamental human right.”

The teachers’ union lists five issues of concern, including a failure by MCPS to provide timely COVID-19 testing, failure to address the high absenteeism and staff shortages and an inability to communicate and be transparent.

This proposal is expected to be shared with McKnight and possibly the BOE on Tuesday when their regular business meeting occurs.


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