Teenager Arrested Attempting to Steal Police Car in Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg Police arrested a 16-year-old boy following pursuit of a stolen truck and an attempt to steal a County K-9 Police cruiser.

The teenager faces multiple charges of auto theft, traffic violations and possession of a controlled dangerous substance, according to a Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) news release.

On Wednesday, July 17, Gaithersburg Police observed a stolen Ford F150 truck in Travis Avenue, Gaithersburg at approximately 5:25 a.m. When police tried to make a traffic stop, the suspect continued to drive at a high speed, according to the release.

During the pursuit, the suspect hit a curb near Watkins Mill Road and Watkins Mill Place, disabling the vehicle. He then got out of the truck and ran away.

During the on-foot chase, the suspect ran back towards the police cruiser and got inside. Police apprehended the suspect in the cruiser and took him into custody.

The suspect was later released to custody of his parents/guardian.

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