Thomas Edison Students Finishing Up Construction on 43rd Home

A total of 320 Montgomery County Public School students from Thomas Edison High School of Technology spent part of the past two years designing and building this house which is expected to go on the market in about a month.

The students studied and did hands-on work in their specific field, including architecture, electricity, carpentry, plumbing and masonry. The two-year program enables students to work on the house for half their school day and then return to their various high schools throughout the county the other half of their school day.

The four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom house is 3,000 square feet and is located on Alderton Road. It will list for $849,000.

This is the 43rd home MCPS students have built. Already, more are in the works. The program uses the money received from the new homeowners and uses it to purchase new land for future houses.

On Wednesday, several county officials spoke with the students and created a punch list of items that must be finished before the house is put on the market.

Rabbiah Sabbakhan, director of the county Department of Permitting Services, praised and encouraged the students, calling their efforts “heartwarming.” He added, “This is a great thing, I hope you guys make the most of your opportunity.”

Devon Harris, county residential inspector, smiled and said, “Doesn’t it feel good to walk into the house and say, ‘I did that?'”

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