Three MCPS Staff Members Honored With Counselor Of The Year Awards

Three Montgomery County Public Schools staff members have been honored with the 2020–2021 Counselor of the Year awards. The trio – one each at the elementary, middle, and high school levels – was recognized at the June 10 Board of Education meeting.

The winners are:

  • Robin Dulli from Stone Mill Elementary School: Although Dulli is in a higher risk category for dangerous symptoms from COVID-19, she brushed her fears aside to recognize the extreme community needs during the pandemic. According to an MCPS press release, Dulli began helping families in their homes and made check-in visits for children at risk for abuse, isolation, and depression. She sought out food distribution sites within 20 miles of the school and visited them each week to provide food to Stone Mill families.
  • Kevin Maruskin from John Poole Middle School: Maruskin has a leading role in the Student Wellness Team. MCPS officials say he reaches out to students and families with a combination of warm support and high expectations for achievement. Maruskin also works with students to develop growth plans, teaching strategies for success, such as using calendars and managing stress.
  • Jennifer Oristian from Winston Churchill High School: According to an MCPS press release, colleagues say Oristian exemplifies the word “counselor.” She is positive, encouraging and supportive, and builds confidence in students. She helps students learn to advocate for themselves; supports their social, emotional, and physical well-being; and helps them plan their school and life trajectory.

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