Too Close to Call: Blair Regains Slim Lead Over Elrich in Back and Forth Race

photo of David Blair and Marc Elrich

The race for the Democratic Primary for Montgomery County Executive continues to be almost a dead heat.

According to numbers released by the Board of Elections at 8:39 p.m. on Monday, Blair now leads Elrich by 134 votes which translates to a little over one-tenth of one percent difference. This is after more than 85.000 votes have been counted.

The counting of mail-in and provisional ballots continues.

Democratic Candidates – Vote for 1

(258 of 258 election day precincts reported)

Name Party Early Voting Election Day Mail-In Ballot / Provisional Total Percentage
David T. Blair
Democratic 8,328 21,026 13,351 42,705 39.33%
Marc Elrich
Democratic 7,453 20,575 14,543 42,571 39.20%
Peter James
Democratic 325 1,142 518 1,985 1.83%
Hans Riemer
Democratic 4,203 10,838 6,291 21,332 19.64%

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