Official ballots for the Town of Poolesville‘s local election will be available in the mail this week to all of the town’s registered voters.
According to a post on the town’s Facebook page, there are different methods of delivery for dropping off a completed ballot. One option is to mail ballots via the postal service. For those Poolesville residents also have the option of dropping their ballots off by hand to Town Hall before Election Day by using the mail slot on the front of Town Hall (located at 19721 Beall Street), or on Election Day between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
For those looking to return their ballot through the postal service, you can mail your return envelope through the postal service before Election Day and until the close of business at the post office on Election Day. It must be postmarked on or before Nov. 3 to be a valid return.
In-person voting is also an option on Nov. 3 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Poolesville Town Hall.
Any ballots that are returned to Town Hall before Election Day will not be counted until Election Day.
Get to Know Poolesville Candidates
Poolesville Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a Poolesville Town Commissioner Candidates forum. The forum featured the following candidates: David Wilson, Ed Reed, Jeffery Eck, Jerome Klobukowsi, and Martin Radigan. Watch the forum in full below:
— MyMCMedia staff reporter Deirdre Byrne contributed to this report.
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