The county’s transportation department will hold a public forum on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss proposed changes to Ride On bus Route 76. The forum will be in the Quince Orchard High School cafeteria. The school is located at 15800 Quince Orchard Road in Gaithersburg. See the Notice of Public Forum here.
Route 76 operates Monday through Friday and connects Shady Grove Metro Station with Poolesville.
The proposed changes to Route 76 include:
- Moving the Quince Orchard High School stop to Darnestown Road at the school’s request.
- Extending the route to The Crossvines event location in Poolesville for weekday rush hour trips.
Anyone who would like to speak at the public forum can send their request by email to mcdot.rideonpublicforums@montgomerycountymd.gov, by fax to 240-777-5801 or by calling 240-777-5800 on or before Friday, Dec. 1, with the following information:
- Name
- Home Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail Address; and
- Organization (if affiliated with one)
Individuals who have signed up to speak must provide a copy of their testimony by email, for the record by Monday, Dec. 4. Testimony and information provided will become a matter of public record.
Comments may also be written, faxed, or e-mailed on the proposed service changes and carry the same weight as spoken testimony. Testimony and information provided will become a matter of public record.
Written testimony can be sent to:
MCDOT Division of Transit Services
Ride On Public Forum 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor Rockville, Maryland 20850(240) 777-5800 (phone)mcdot.rideonpublicforums@montgomerycountymd.gov
(240) 777-5801 (fax)Comments in writing will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 4. All comments are welcome and will be considered before any changes are finalized.
Comments are closed.