Upcoming Event Offers Federal Contractors Help Finding Jobs

photo of jobs in letterpress

In an effort to help federal contractors find jobs in Montgomery County, the Office of Procurement is hosting a Montgomery County is Open for Business event March 31 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Contractors, who may be losing work due to the federal government’s job cuts, can collaborate and find new opportunities at the event at the Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veterans Plaza.

Representatives from the Montgomery County Business Center, Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, WSSC Water, City of Rockville and WMATA will be attending.

“Montgomery County has long been home to many Federal contractors, and as they face changes in Federal spending, we want them to know that there are opportunities with our County government,” said Executive Marc Elrich.

“Local governments like ours rely on businesses of all sizes to help us deliver services and complete projects. This event is one way we can make sure companies—especially small, minority, veteran and women-owned businesses—have a clear path to connect with us and compete for work in the County,” he wrote in a news release.

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