The Black Rock Center’s Upcounty Consolidation Hub with Nourish Now is offering drive-thru food distribution Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Food will be distributed at Germantown Elementary School on Liberty Mill Road. Drivers are asked to remain in their vehicles in order to receive boxed groceries, while supplies last. If you do not have a vehicle, or have any other questions, contact hub@blackrockcenter.org.
The Upcounty Consolidation Hub will distribute boxed groceries (while supplies last) on Tuesday, 9/22 from 2 PM – 4 PM at Germantown Elementary School. #blackrockartsmd #nourishnow #upcountyhub #GermantownMD #foodistribution @MoCoCouncilMD @NourishNow pic.twitter.com/u0khEZlYOS
— blackrockcenter (@BlackRockCenter) September 21, 2020
Food distribution programs like these have been held across the county to support residents facing food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic. At a food distribution program held last Saturday, over 500 people received boxes of fresh produce and meats.
As the #COVID19 pandemic continues, many of our neighbors are struggling with food insecurity. More than 500 people received boxes of fresh produce and meats on Saturday at the East County Community Recreation Center, thanks to our dedicated partners and volunteers. pic.twitter.com/jR1fBBOYYJ
— Montgomery County MD (@MontgomeryCoMD) September 21, 2020
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