On Monday, Montgomery County updated its phase 2 reopening guidelines with the unanimous approval by the County Council.
Here’s what the updated guidelines now allow for:
- Museums and art galleries can now reopen with restrictions.
- Bowling alleys can reopen with restrictions.
- Food service facilities are requred to post signs that advice customers about wearing face coverings and adhering to social distancing guidlines.
- Soccer has been recategorized as a “medium risk” sport, which allows for scrimmages and games.
- “Face covering” has been more clearly defined to include that chins, mouths, and noses must be covered, and face coverings need to be secured to a person’s head.
- Sport tournaments are prohibited unless a letter of approval is issued by the county.
- Only a maximum of 50 people—including coaches, participants, spectators—are allowed to attend sporting events.
- Teams from outside of Washington D.C., Maryland, or Virginia are not allowed at sporting events.
According to a county news release, the phase 2 guidelines were updated with guidance from County Health Office Dr. Travis Gayles, based on contact tracing data. The guidelines went into effect 5 p.m. Monday. Recommendations for sports are subject to be changed or modified if a sport is deemed to be safer.
Related Posts:
New County Order: Face Covering Must Now Cover Mouth, Nose and Chin
Updated County Order Reclassifies Soccer as Medium-Risk Sport
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