Vaccine Production Ramping Up; More Doses Expected Soon

According to health officials, Pfizer and Moderna are ramping up their COVID-19 vaccine production to combat the nationwide shortage. Meanwhile, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine  has been authorized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for emergency use.

Montgomery County leaders say if they get more doses to meet the high demand, it will increase the local vaccination rate.

“As soon as the supply shows up, it’s going to be in the arms of our county residents,” said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich during his weekly COIVD-19 virtual media briefing on Wednesday.

MyMCM tuned into the briefing.

As of Feb.26, the Montgomery County Vaccine Distribution Dashboard shows that more than 141,000 residents have received their first vaccine dose- which makes up about 13.4% of the county’s population. Meanwhile, 65,659 county residents have been fully vaccinated so far, which makes up 6.2% of the population.

See related posts below:

FDA Confirms Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe, Effective

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