Veterans Day 2021 Events

Veterans Day, observed annually on Nov. 11, honors all those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 40,000 veterans living in Montgomery County. Here’s a look at upcoming events commemorating their service to the country.

  • Veterans Day Ceremony
    • Join American Legion Daniel-Jeffers Post 247 for a Veterans Day Ceremony. See posters of Poolesville’s veteran residents.
    • Location: 19701 Fisher Ave. Poolesville, MD |  Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Veterans Day Service
    • The public is encouraged to join members of the Damascus American Legion for their annual Veterans Day Service. This year’s service will feature music from the Damascus High School Chorus, a speech by New York Times best-selling author John Gilstrap, and a light lunch provided by the Post 171 Auxiliary.
    • Location: 10201 Lewis Drive Damascus, MD |  Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m. |
  • Veterans Day Remembrance Ceremony
    • Join Silver Spring Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2562 and American Legion Post 268 for a Veterans Day Remembrance Ceremony. The ceremony will feature a wreath-laying by members of veteran service organizations, a speech by Senator Chris Van Hollen, and a playing of the National Anthem by members of The Baltimore Symphony. Light refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
    • Location: Wheaton Veterans Urban Park, Corner of Reedie Drive and Fern Street |  Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. | Contact: 301-933-1588
  • City of Rockville Ceremony
    • Join Rockville’s Mayor and Council for the City’s annual Veterans Day ceremony. The ceremony will feature a wreath-laying by American Legion Post 86, a 21-gun salute by their honor guard, and a speech by special guest Theresa Amelia Elliott of the U.S. Navy. A reception will take place after the ceremony at 2013 Veirs Mill Road.
    • Location: Veterans Park, Corner of Route 28 and Route 355 |  Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. | Contact: 240-314-8620 | In case of rain, the ceremony will move to the Rockville Senior Center
  • City of Gaithersburg Ceremony
    • This event will include patriotic music by student musicians, a wreath laying, and a speech by special guest Colonel Judson “Jud” E. Stailey of the U.S. Air Force. An outdoor reception will take place immediately after the ceremony, with refreshments provided by Subway. Attendees are encouraged to drop off food, toiletries and cleaning supplies for homeless veterans at the ceremony. A list of requested items is available here.
    • Location: Concert Pavilion, 31 South Summit Avenue |  Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. | Contact: 301-258-6350
  • Veterans Day Daffodil Planting
    • Grab your shovels and join the Silver Spring Garden Club for its annual Veterans Day Bulb Planting. The club purchased 700 daffodil bulbs for the occasion, so guests are welcome!
    • Location: Jessup Blair Park in Silver Spring, MD |  Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. | In case of rain, the bulb planting will move to the following day, Nov. 12.
  • 13th Annual Tribute to America’s Veterans Concert
    • Presented by Silver Spring Town Center, Inc. and the Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs, this concert will feature the Archie Edwards Blues Heritage Ensemble. Interested community members can tune in virtually via Zoom or on the Silver Spring Town Center, Inc. Facebook page.
    • Register in advance for this Zoom meeting |  Nov. 11 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. |
  • Commemorating Veterans Day
    • The County Branch of the NAACP Armed Forces & Veteran Committee and the County Branch of the National Association for Black Veterans will host the community for movies, snacks and discussion. The screening will include Red Tails, a film about the Tuskegee Airmen; The Six Triple Eight; which chronicles the first all-Black Women Postal Battalion; and Veterans of Color: Courage, Adversity, Triumph.
    • Location: Rockville Memorial Library, Meeting Room 2, 21 Maryland Ave. Rockville, MD |  Nov. 13 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Contact: 231-557-2498
  • Veterans Day Skate
    • Any active-duty military personnel or veterans and their families skate for free at the Wheaton Ice Arena (11717 Orebaugh Ave. Wheaton, MD) from 3 to 5 p.m. on Nov. 14.
    • Any active-duty military personnel or veterans and their families skate for free at the Cabin John Ice Rink (10610 Westlake Dr. Rockville, MD) from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 14.
  • WWII Canteen Swing Dance
    • Dance the night away with Flying Feet Enterprises and the Eric Felten Jazz Orchestra in honor of Veterans Day. No partner is required, dress is casual, and dancers need not have prior experience.
    • Location: Glen Echo Park, Spanish Ballroom, 7300 MacArthur Blvd Glen Echo, MD |  Nov. 14 from 8 p.m. to midnight | Contact: 301-634-2222 | Cost: $15-20
  • Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs Meeting
    • In honor of Veterans Day, veterans who serve on the Commission will share their experience in the military and as a veteran. Additionally, the Commission will honor women veterans and acknowledge prisoners of war and service members missing in action.
    • Join Zoom Meeting |  Nov. 16 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. | View virtual tribute to County veterans

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