Volunteers Comb Area Seeking County’s Unhoused

(Reporter Suzanne Pollak accompanied volunteers early Thursday morning as part of a “Point In Time” survey of the County’s unhoused population)

113 volunteers spread throughout Montgomery County during the early morning hours Thursday in an attempt to reach out to anyone found sleeping outside.

It was part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Point In Time (PIT) Survey to capture a one-night snapshot of homelessness. It is not an accurate count as the number of unsheltered people varies from day to day.

Teams of three, four and five people walked through parking garages, stairwells, secluded areas, alcoves in shopping centers and stores open 24-hours a day seeking to make contact with the county’s vulnerable people.

A goodie bag with a warm hat and socks, a McDonald’s gift card and hand warmers was given out to those dealing with life’s hardships as well as cold temperatures.

Those willing to participate in the survey answered questions about their background and how they could be contacted by county and non-profit staff members involved in ending homelessness in Montgomery County.

In several months, the results of that survey will be reported.

The evening began at 8:30 p.m. with several county councilmembers and staff explaining the importance and how the survey should be done.

“You are a reflection of Montgomery County values,” Christine Hong, chief of the county’s Services to End and Prevent Homelessness, told the volunteers involved in the down county effort.

Homelessness is a result of a lack of affordable housing, she stressed. “The solution is more housing.”

Council President Kate Stewart called it a Montgomery County value “to try and treat every resident in our county with the dignity they deserve.”

At Large Councilmember Evan Glass called the survey “impactful” both for the volunteers and the unsheltered, who hopefully will be guided to the county’s social services, resources and shelters.

I was part of Team J, walking and driving through the North Bethesda Metro Station and parking garage, the Montrose Crossing Shopping Center and adjoining Target parking lot and other nearby areas.

While the temperature didn’t dip into the single digits as it had just the week before, it still seemed too cold for people to spend the night wrapped in blankets or in a car.

Some of the unsheltered residents were grateful. Others refused even to make eye contact with the volunteers.

It’s hard to comprehend in such a rich country as Montgomery County, there could be people living on the streets, because their lives spun out of control due to alcohol abuse, domestic violence, illness or death of loved ones.

In other areas of the country, fires and natural disasters can create the downward spiral.

According to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ (COG) 2024 Point in Time Survey 250 more Montgomery County residents were experiencing homelessness than were in the 2023 count.

Between 2020 and 2024, the number of homeless jumped by 71% here. The number of families experiencing homelessness in jumped 116% from 2020 to this year.

Throughout the D.C., Northern Virginia and Montgomery County area, 9,774 people were reported homeless in the 2023 Point In Time survey, an increase of 1,078 from 2023. That was a 12% increase.

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