Watch Live: County COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout Town Hall Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Update: Over 2,300 community members register for the Council’s virtual town hall held Jan. 19 on the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. County officials voiced frustrations about the insufficient number of COVID-19 vaccines the community has received and the lack of state and federal coordination surrounding vaccine rollout.


Original: The Montgomery County Council will host a virtual town hall on the county’s COVID-19 vaccination program Tuesday at 7 p.m.  County public health officials will share up-to-date information about the county’s vaccine rollout plan and explain the priority order as mandated by the state and federal government.

On Monday, both the state and county’s vaccination plans moved to include people age 75 or older as eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Previously, vaccines were only available for healthcare workers and first responders.

Montgomery County residents age 75 or older should preregister for an appointment for a vaccination on the county’s website. The state and county are moving into the next phase of vaccinations Monday, Jan. 25.

Watch the town hall live at 7 p.m. on YouTube below:

The town hall will be televised on County Cable Montgomery, as well as the council’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

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County Council to Host COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout Town Hall on Jan. 19


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