Watch MCM’s Special Presentation: ‘Fighting Fentanyl: A Call to Action’

The synthetic drug fentanyl has created a youth crisis here in the county and all around our region. According to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), there has been a 120% increase in fatal teen overdoses since 2021. Just this school year, five students have died from fentanyl overdose.

MyMCM explores the fentanyl crisis gripping Montgomery County with two special presentations, both hosted by Andrea Sarralde.

Fentanilo: Oculto Asesino debuted on Feb. 23 and may be watched on demand on the MyMCM YouTube channel.

On Tuesday, March 7, ‘Fighting Fentanyl: A Call to Action’ debuts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a live virtual question and answer period with Laura Mitchell from Montgomery Goes Purple and Chief Spokesperson for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue, Pete Piringer. Watch on Comcast cable channels 21 and 995, MyMCM’s Facebook page and YouTube channel and below:

Register to join the conversation on Zoom.

Journalist Andrea Sarralde is joined by Karla Silvestre, president of the School Board, State’s Attorney John McCarthy, DHHS Manager of Prevention and Harm Reduction Ben Stevenson, Laura Mitchell from Montgomery Goes Purple and Wendy Winter, S.O.U.L. mom who lost her son Seth to fentanyl overdose.

Join the Conversation

Pete Piringer, Chief Spokesperson for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue and Laura Mitchell of Montgomery Goes Purple join Hola Montgomery’s Andrea Sarralde following the show for a live virtual question and answer session.

Montgomery Goes Purple works to raise awareness about fentanyl in the community. Since January, Montgomery Goes Purple has partnered with MCPS and DHHS Prevention and Harm Reduction to hold two family forums on fentanyl. They hope to educate parents and students about the dangers of this drug and to ensure every Montgomery County family learns how to obtain and administer the lifesaving drug Narcan.

Register to join the conversation on Zoom.


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  • Mental Health/Substance Abuse Screening and Referral
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)


Risk reduction services


  • Naloxone Information/Refill
  • Syringe Services Program


Peer Support Services


  • Montgomery County 24-Hour Crises Center
  • STEER (Stop.Triage.Engage.Educate.Rehabilitate.)

S.O.U.L. Surviving Our Ultimate Loss


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