‘We Are Asked to Bend Over Backwards’: Teachers Rally Ahead of Union Meeting with School Board

On Tuesday, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) educators with a teachers union rallied outside the Board of Education building in Rockville and said the school system is unlawfully delaying contract negotiations.

Ahead of the rally, the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) announced it would file an unfair labor practice charge against the school board. In a statement Tuesday, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) said the complaint would have an “unfortunate impact” on employees.

“Communications with MCEA indicate that they will file an unfair labor practices (ULP) complaint against MCPS later today, which would have an unfortunate impact for MCPS employees by possibly inserting months of delays while holding up discussions over significant, necessary benefits and pay raises,” the statement reads. “The resulting administrative proceding from this action will take away valuable time in which discussions could occur, time that will just place both MCPS and MCEA not at the end of successful negotiations, but at the beginning.”

Following the rally, union officials went inside for an annual meeting with the school board. 

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