Beginning Aug. 25, International Overdose Awareness Day (I.O.A.D.) will be honored for nearly a month, and Montgomery County will go purple in support of those affected by drug addiction.
The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is partnering with Frederick County for the “They Are Us” 7th Annual I.O.A.D. and Montgomery County Goes Purple Kick Off event. In both counties, photos of loved ones lost to drug overdose will be displayed with outdoor commemorative signs.
Friends and relatives of loved ones lost to overdose may submit a photo banner request online no later than Aug. 15. Their loved one’s photo will be displayed as part of the commemorative outdoor signs at Memorial Plaza (101 Monroe Street, Rockville) from Aug. 25 through Sept. 30.
At the Kick Off event, DHHS will host a resource fair with food trucks from 5:30-7 p.m. Resource participants must register by emailing
A candlelight vigil and ceremony of remembrance will be held from 7:15-8:30 p.m.
— Montgomery County DHHS (@MoCoDHHS) August 4, 2022