Wes Moore Makes History, Declared Next Governor of Maryland

Democrat Wes Moore has been declared the winner in the race for the Governor’s mansion.

Moore, 44, an author and former non-profit businessman, becomes the first Black man or woman to be elected governor of Maryland. His opponent, Republican Dan Cox, had the endorsement of ex-President Donald Trump.

Moore’s campaign message reads: “…no matter where you start in life, you deserve an equal opportunity to succeed.”

Within seconds of the official closing of the polls at 8 p.m. in the state, the Associated Press called the race. Other media outlets from the Washington Post to NPR quickly followed their lead.

Moore spoke Tuesday night about his victory.

As of 9:21 p.m., with 251 of 2074 election day precincts reporting, Moore had 400,600 votes (64.01%) to Cox’s 206,690 votes (33.03%). This includes early, mail-in and Election Day ballots.

Incumbent governor Larry Hogan, a Republican, congratulated Moore Tuesday night.

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