What Phase I of Reopening in Montgomery County Might Look Like

County Executive Marc Elrich announced that the county will begin Phase 1 of reopening starting Monday, June 1, and a lot of residents are curious what that might look like.

Phase 1 guidelines include the following:

  • Retail: Stores will provide curbside services only.
  • Childcare: Services will be open for children of essential employees and phase one opening employees.
  • Restaurants: Outside dining will be available (curbside pickup still in effect).
  • Outdoor Youth Sports: Will be limited to low contact. Outdoor games will not be permitted)
  • Personal Services: Hair salons and barbers will be by appointment only for select services.
  • Outdoor Day Camps: Nine or fewer campers with one counselor will be allowed.
  • Car Washes: Will be available for exterior washes only.
  • Manufacturing: Will be open for operations.

According to a county press release, other outdoor recreation activities continue to be permitted, such as golf courses, archery, shooting ranges, marinas, campgrounds, horseback riding facilities, and tennis courts.

The following businesses and services will remain closed:

  • Swimming pools; (however, licensing and inspection can be requested and conducted)
  • Senior Centers
  • Fitness Centers
  • Movie Theaters
  • Shopping Malls
  • Nail Salons

“This action is essential to the survival of Maryland’s hospitality industry, which is responsible for nearly half a million jobs in our state. Based upon my recent conversations with these small business owners in every region of our state, I know this can and will be done with the most careful adherence possible to social distancing and best public health and safety practices. This is an ideal example of how our leaders must, can and will come together to balance the complementary goals of protecting public health and safety while allowing for economic recovery,” said Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot about outdoor dining restrictions being lifted.

MyMCMedia spoke to two organizations that are included in Montgomery County’s Phase 1 of reopening. Adriane Clutter from Montgomery County Department of Recreation explains what it means for outdoor day camps and youth sports.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington is one of many providers that will be offering childcare services for essential employees during Phase 1 of reopening in Montgomery County as Jim Almond, Senior V.P for BGCGW, explains.

See related posts below:

Elrich Reopening Announcement Marred by Protesters


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