Here’s on overview of what’s open and what’s closed in Montgomery County on July 4th.
Public Transportation
- Ride On bus service—Will operate on a Saturday schedule. View route schedules here.
- Ride On extRa and Flex bus services—Will not be in service.
- Ride On Flash bus service—The Orange Route will operate on a Weekend/Holiday schedule. The Blue Route (typically, weekday only) will not be in service.
- TRiPS Silver Spring Commuter Store—Will be closed.
- TRiPS Mobile Commuter Store—Will be closed.
- MARC Train —Will operate on a Saturday service on the Penn Line only. No service on Brunswick or Camden lines.
- Metrorail and Metrobus—Metrorail will operate on a Sunday Holiday schedule from 7 a.m. to midnight. Metrobus will operate on a Sunday schedule. View both schedules here.
- Public parking garages, lots, curbside meters—Free.
County Offices and Services
Most county offices and facilities are closed on Thursday, July 4.
- County offices—Closed.
- MC 311—Closed.
- State offices and courts—Closed.
- State Motor Vehicle Administration offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program stations—Closed.
- Libraries— Closed.
- Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS)—All stores open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Department of Permitting Services—Closed.
- County-provided trash and recycling collections—No collections on Thursday, July 4. Collection s for the remainder of the week will slide one day, with the final collections on Saturday, July 6.
- Shady Grove Transfer Station and Recycling Center—Entire facility closed.
- Outdoor pools—Open.
- Recreation, Senior and Indoor Aquatic Centers—Closed.
- For Montgomery Parks information, visit MontgomeryParks.org.
Additional information for Montgomery Parks Facilities
- Montgomery Parks headquarters and permits offices—Closed.
- Montgomery Parks customer service office—Closed.
- BMX Pump Track at South Germantown Recreational Park—Closed.
- Cabin John Ice Rink and Wheaton Ice Arena—Closed.
- Wheaton Indoor Tennis and Pauline Betz Addie Tennis Center—Closed.
- Indoor nature facilities—Closed. (Trails and nature play areas for all nature centers remain open from sunrise to sunset).
City of Gaithersburg
Most city offices and most facilities will be closed Thursday, July 4, with the exception of the following:
- The Miniature Golf Course will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- The Water Park will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for City of Gaithersburg residents and Aquatics Members ONLY.
- The Skate Park will be open from noon to 6 p.m.
- The Interactive Water Feature in Olde Towne Plaza will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Gaithersburg Police Department Administrative Offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m
The collection of recycled materials for residents whose regular recycling day is Thursday, July 4, will take place on the following Saturday, July 6. This includes newspaper, mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, and commingled materials, as well as brush, branches, grass clippings, leaves and other yard trimmings, picked up by the city’s recycling contractor. Download the Recycle Coach app for additional recycling tips, notifications and collection reminders.
City of Rockville
The city government will close Thursday, July 4, to observe Independence Day.
- The city will close the following facilities: Lincoln Park, Thomas Farm, and Twinbrook community centers; the Rockville Senior Center; Croydon Creek Nature Center; the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre and box office; Glenview Mansion; and the Rockville Civic Center business office.
- The Rockville Swim and Fitness Center will be open Thursday, July 4 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Recycling and trash collections will occur as scheduled Monday, July 1 through Wednesday, July 3. Thursday collections will occur on Friday, July 5. For more information on recycling and trash collection, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/recycling-trash or call 240-314-8568.
- Parking will be free at city-owned meters on July 4. For more information, visit www.rockvillemd.gov or call 240-314-5000.
- Rockville’s Independence Day Celebration, featuring fireworks, will be held 7-10 p.m. Thursday, July 4 at Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park, in King Farm. Learn more at www.rockvillemd.gov/independenceday.
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